SourceForge > WSRPtk

Getting Started

Obtaining the Release

Download the release from the website. Unzip the file in any directory.

Obtaining and Installing Prerequisites

Eclipse Web Tools

  1. Download Web Tools 1.0.1 from here.
  2. Unpack Zip File
  3. Copy from: eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.wst.wsi_1.0.1.v200602030355.jar to: wsrptk/lib
    Note: the name of this jar file has changed over time. You may have wsi-core.jar and wsi-validate.jar already on your system if you have previously installed Web Tools. These jars *should* work also.

WS-I Testing Tools

  1. Download the WS-I Testing Tools 1.1 from here.
  2. Unpack Zip File
  3. Copy from: wsi-test-tools/common/xsl/*.* to: wsrptk/xsl
  4. Copy from: wsi-test-tools/common/schemas/*.* to: wsrptk/schemas

XSL Stylesheet Issues

  • The namespace definitions in the XSL stylesheets obtained from WS-I are out of date with respect to the jar files from Eclipse.
  • The embedded style directives use ALL CAPS for HTML tag names, and they have to be lower case to get proper formatting.
  • The WSRPTK project has patch files that can be applied to make these corrections.